
Most work has been done on the MRE side of things, with the creation and tweaking of the Wordpress site. While I had initially opted to showcase individual stories on separate pages, as referenced in my design plan, it seems a better idea now to arrange narratives thematically. This presents the issue of imposing a narrative on respondents’ stories, however the digital component would have done that to a degree anyway. The benefit here is that people do not have their personal informaiton posted to the same degree that individual pages would have demanded.

On the Ares side of things, development and finalization of content continues. While the majority of images to be used have been sourced, there remains the issue of creation and testing. Making separare scenes in ARES is a challange, and I may consolidate everything into one. The platform itself recommends this to a degree, so it will be my next step. On the ground, the route of the narraitve has been charted and walked. It’s a reasonable distance that’s accessible to most folks, though Nepean Point will be difficult for people with physical disabilities, as the ramp is closed. I’m working on a solution for this –perhaps moving the icons further down? The remainder of the walk is accessible and not overtly strenuous.

Next on the Agena:

  • Dialogue planning (from general plot to specific)
  • Inputting content into ARES
Written on March 1, 2018